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Read ebook Mason's Forensic Medicine for Lawyers by Paul Harvey in MOBI, EPUB, PDF


Mason's Forensic Medicine for Lawyers covers all aspects of the relationship between forensic medicine and the law including an overview of general issues relating to medical ethics, criminal liability, negligence and the regulation of the medical profession., Mason's Forensic Medicine for Lawyers, 6th edition covers all aspects of the relationship between forensic medicine and the law including an overview of general issues relating to medical ethics, criminal liability, negligence and the regulation of the medical profession. The book considers each key stage from the reporting of the death to the investigation and diagnosis of the cause of death, detailing medical and legal considerations that must be taken into account. Each chapter begins with an explanation of basic medical issues including relevant anatomy, identifying controversies in the various forensic areas. The sixth edition has been rewritten and restructured to provide a more analytical approach, with new chapters on the important areas of sexual offences and DNA, and expanded chapters on post-mortem examination to include explanation of the practicalities of an autopsy from the medical perspective.It also includes coverage of the law and procedure surrounding the filming of post-mortems including examples of successful challenges to, and impugning of, post-mortems on the basis of techniques, inferences, expert evidence and public law challenges to the Coroners courts such as access; remit and limitations of inquiry.Contents: 1 Human anatomy and physiology - A quick trip around the body explaining the body's systems with diagrams; 2 Principles of medicine, clinical examination and scientific method including common medical notation; 3 Forensic autopsy- medical practicalities and principles of autopsies, procedural aspects, legal aspects of death; 4 Medical aspects of death and physical changes after death; 5 HM Coroner and sudden deaths (England, Wales and Northern Ireland); inquests; 6 Procurator fiscal and sudden deaths; 7 Natural disease as a cause of death; 8 Injuries and their interpretation: major trauma; injury types - gunshot; head injuries; accidental and non-accidental; 9 Asphyxia; this includes strangulation and suffocation; 10 Drowning and hypothermia; 11 Fire deaths including explosions, burns, and carbon monoxide poisoning; 12 Child deaths including 'baby-shaking' and abuse in children; Sudden infant deaths; 13 Sexual offences; 14 Odontology; 15 DNA; 16 Toxicology, drugs and poisons; 17 Examination of detained persons; 18 Deaths in custody including prison; 19 Deaths in other State settings: hospitals; 20 Legal system and prosecutions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland; 21 Role and duties of the expert: expert vs treating doctors; 22 Confidentiality, consent, negligence, disclosure, privilege; 23 Court case work: admissibility, case management, abuse of process.Previous print edition ISBN: 9781845922412, The accessible introductory guide to forensic medicine for legal practitioners and expert witnesses.Written in a clear and readable style it provides overview of forensic medicine in the courts and highlights new developments and problem areas.It includes:- An introduction to relevant clinical terms, the systems of the body and autopsy procedure- Chapters on the main areas of forensic medicine including injuries from assaults, firearms, asphyxia, water and fire- Specialist chapters on non-accidental injury to children, sexual offences, odontology, toxicology and the care of detaineesCompletely revised, this new edition focusses on the criminal legal practitioner and medical expert witness. To this end it provides practical guidance, including diagrams on new developments and problem areas in forensic medicine. It offers suggestions for further reading which will enable the practitioner to understand expert reports and identify potential areas where further expertise may be necessary. It also provides the medical expert with an introduction to the court systems and their duties.This sixth edition covers:- All the relevant statutory and common law offences- Coroners and Justice Act 2009 along with the relevant Rules and Guidance- Criminal and Civil Procedure Rules and relevant case law on the role and duties of experts- Primary and Secondary legislation relating to care of detainees and investigation of deaths in custody (e.g. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984)Mason's Forensic Medicine for Lawyers is also designed to guide medical experts through the various UK legal systems and deals with definitions of offences, the investigation of sudden deaths and the key duties of the expert who gives evidence in court., The essential and accessible introductory guide to forensic medicine for legal practitioners, particularly those in criminal law.Designed also to guide medical experts through the various UK legal and court systems, it deals with definitions of offences, the investigation of sudden deaths and the key duties of the expert who gives evidence in court.This sixth edition covers:-An introduction to relevant clinical terms, the systems of the body and autopsy procedure-Chapters on the main areas of forensic medicine including injuries from assaults, firearms, asphyxia, water and fire-Specialist chapters on non-accidental injury to children, sexual offences, odontology, toxicology and the care of detainees-All the relevant statutory and common law offences-The Coroners and Justice Act 2009 in conjunction with the relevant Rules and Guidance The Criminal and Civil Procedure Rules and relevant case law on the role and duties of expertsPrimary and secondary legislation relating to care of detainees and investigation of deaths in custody (e.g. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984)Completely revised, this new edition is written from the viewpoint of the legal practitioner and medical expert witness. To this end it provides practical guidance, including diagrams on new developments and problem areas in forensic medicine. It also offers suggestions for further reading which will enable the practitioner to understand expert reports as well as identify potential areas where further expertise is necessary., This book covers all aspects of the relationship between forensic medicine and the law in the UK, including an overview of general issues relating to medical ethics, criminal liability, negligence, and the regulation of the UK's medical profession. The book considers each key stage from the reporting of the death to the investigation and diagnosis of the cause of death, detailing medical and legal considerations that must be taken into account. Each chapter begins with an explanation of basic medical issues, including relevant anatomy and identifying controversies in the various forensic areas. The sixth edition has been rewritten and restructured to provide a more analytical approach, with new chapters on the important areas of sexual offenses and DNA, and expanded chapters on post-mortem examination to include explanation of the practicalities of an autopsy from the medical perspective. It also includes coverage of the law and procedure surrounding the filming of post-mortems, including examples of successful challenges to, and impugning of, post-mortems on the basis of techniques, inferences, expert evidence, and public law challenges to the UK's Coroners courts, such as access, remit, and limitations of inquiry. Subject: Medical Law, Forensic Law], This is an essential and accessible introductory guide to forensic medicine for legal practitioners in the UK, particularly those in criminal law. Designed also to guide medical experts through the various UK legal and court systems, the book deals with definitions of offenses, the investigation of sudden deaths, and the key duties of the expert who gives evidence in court. This sixth edition covers: an introduction to relevant clinical terms * the systems of the body and autopsy procedure * chapters on the main areas of forensic medicine, including injuries from assaults, firearms, asphyxia, water, and fire * specialist chapters on non-accidental injury to children, sexual offenses, odontology, toxicology, and the care of detainees * all the relevant statutory and common law offenses * the UK's Coroners and Justice Act 2009 in conjunction with the relevant Rules and Guidance * the Criminal and Civil Procedure Rules and relevant case law on the role and duties of experts * primary and secondary legislation relating to care of detainees and investigation of deaths in custody (e.g. the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984). Completely revised, the book is written from the viewpoint of the UK legal practitioner and medical expert witness. To this end, it provides practical guidance, including diagrams on new developments and problem areas in forensic medicine. It also offers suggestions for further reading, which will enable the practitioner to understand expert reports, as well as identify potential areas where further expertise is necessary. Subject: Medical Law, Forensic Law]

Mason's Forensic Medicine for Lawyers by Paul Harvey read online ebook FB2, EPUB, TXT

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