Susan Parham - Food and Urbanism : The Convivial City and a Sustainable Future read online TXT, EPUB, FB2
9780857854537 English 0857854534 Cities are home to over fifty percent of the world's population, a figure which is expected to increase enormously by 2050. Despite the growing demand on urban resources and infrastructure, food is still often overlooked as a key factor in planning and designing cities. Without incorporating food into the design process how it is grown, transported, and bought, cooked, eaten and disposed of it is impossible to create truly resilient and convivial urbanism.Moving from the table and home garden to the town, city, and suburbs, "Food and Urbanism" explores the connections between food and place in past and present design practices. The book also looks to future methods for extending the 'gastronomic' possibilities of urban space. Supported by examples from places across the world, including the UK, Norway, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Romania, Australia and the USA, the book offers insights into how the interplay of physical design and socio-spatial practices centred around food can help to maintain socially rich, productive and sustainable urban space. Susan Parham brings together the latest research from a number of disciplines urban planning, food studies, sociology, geography, and design with her own fieldwork on a range of foodscapes to highlight the fundamental role food has to play in shaping the urban future.", Cities are now home to over fifty per cent of the world's population, but the contribution of food to shaping cities is often overlooked. Food "matters "in designing and planning cities because how it is grown, transported, bought, cooked, eaten, cleaned up and disposed of has significant effects on creating a sustainable, resilient and convivial urban future. The book explores methods for extending the gastronomic possibilities of urban space - from the scale of the table to the metropolis. Using a wealth of examples from cities worldwide, the book explores how physical design and socio-spatial arrangements focused on food can help maintain socially rich, productive and sustainable urban space. Underpinning the book's analysis of food and cities is the view that decisions about a hyper-urban future should recognise the fundamental role of food. "Food and Urbanism" provides an original and new contribution to food scholarship; exploring some intriguing research questions about the ways that food, urbanism and sustainable conviviality interconnect.
9780857854537 English 0857854534 Cities are home to over fifty percent of the world's population, a figure which is expected to increase enormously by 2050. Despite the growing demand on urban resources and infrastructure, food is still often overlooked as a key factor in planning and designing cities. Without incorporating food into the design process how it is grown, transported, and bought, cooked, eaten and disposed of it is impossible to create truly resilient and convivial urbanism.Moving from the table and home garden to the town, city, and suburbs, "Food and Urbanism" explores the connections between food and place in past and present design practices. The book also looks to future methods for extending the 'gastronomic' possibilities of urban space. Supported by examples from places across the world, including the UK, Norway, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Romania, Australia and the USA, the book offers insights into how the interplay of physical design and socio-spatial practices centred around food can help to maintain socially rich, productive and sustainable urban space. Susan Parham brings together the latest research from a number of disciplines urban planning, food studies, sociology, geography, and design with her own fieldwork on a range of foodscapes to highlight the fundamental role food has to play in shaping the urban future.", Cities are now home to over fifty per cent of the world's population, but the contribution of food to shaping cities is often overlooked. Food "matters "in designing and planning cities because how it is grown, transported, bought, cooked, eaten, cleaned up and disposed of has significant effects on creating a sustainable, resilient and convivial urban future. The book explores methods for extending the gastronomic possibilities of urban space - from the scale of the table to the metropolis. Using a wealth of examples from cities worldwide, the book explores how physical design and socio-spatial arrangements focused on food can help maintain socially rich, productive and sustainable urban space. Underpinning the book's analysis of food and cities is the view that decisions about a hyper-urban future should recognise the fundamental role of food. "Food and Urbanism" provides an original and new contribution to food scholarship; exploring some intriguing research questions about the ways that food, urbanism and sustainable conviviality interconnect.